Wednesday, January 13, 2010

10 degrees.

And that's why everyone is complaning everywhere I go. Weather suddenly becomes the hottest topic in town.

So Bi is trying to get used to the LDR thing, and yesterday he asked me "Would it get any easier? Cos 3 days felt like 3 years to me."
You want the truth?
It never did to me.
When things are smooth, you just want to be with each other so bad that it feels like the waiting is never going to end. And when things get rough, well, it's just as draggy.
But I have a good feeling about this cute couple this time. Of course he has no idea, he still feels lost and unsure about their future, which is the certain thing to feel at the beginning of a relationship, long-distance-relationship some more. Just like I did.

Bi's been reminding me a whole lot about what i went through at those very first days of my relationship. Everything happened exactly the same.
It's funny looking back and realizing we've come a long way.
A really long way, indeed.


  1. yeah i used to wonder how you two could hold on for so long. sometimes i even thought maybe it wasnt so bad after all (yes i was stupid :P). now it's my turn to try to work the wonders that you've been doing really well :D
