It's been a while since i last stayed up this late to do something properly, as in this case, to study. I've got 3 mid-term tests coming up next week, one on Sociology, one on MicroEcons, 1 on English. And I have no idea where to start. My new school year seems to have just started yesterday.
150 pages on Sociology and I haven't finished reading. Well the stories, examples are fun and all. But all those definitions are driving me nuts! It's true that there's no point in cramming before any exam, minor or major. But oh well, it's always a little bit too late for me to realize that :-<
My close friend is in an emotional swamp. And here I sit, not doing anything to help her. I know being busy is a bullshit reason. I could have done more than that.
I've been occupied all day everyday lately with all sorts of stuff. School. EC. Tutoring. Work. More work. Being busy does make time go by fast. But no matter how fast a week seems, just a fragment of second feeling alone, could make me feel like a whole century. Unbearable.
Mom is having people around to fix the house. I can't stand all those noises.
Sometimes I just need some silence, my privacy, so I can hide myself behind closed doors, and drown myself in my thoughts, or just drown myself in nothing at all.
Saturday was blue.
Never felt that sad for a while. Felt like such a lonely little girl.
He asked me today "So who have you been talking to lately?" (well, you know, like REALLY "talk", not just goofing around)
I told him "No one".
Then I realized what a miserable state I'm in right now.
I just want time to fly fast.
So I can have him back, all to myself.