- New clothes. I mean new shoes, new dresses, new jeans, new jackets, new scarves. My wardrobe seems like a hundred years old. =(
- The Balloon Photoshoot. We finally found the perfect spot and settled down for this Sunday's morning. It's gonna be a looooooong day with my busy schedule from early morning til midnight :))
- A call from my sweetie. Well I know I know, we're both too busy and I've just heard his voice a few days back, but, well, it's like a sugar craving, you can never get enough.
- Three-Layer-Chocolate-Mous
- To help mom. She's been thinking a lot lately and I know, she's going through a difficult phase with lots and lots of uneasy decisions to make. If I were her, I wouldn't know what to do either. But two is better than one. She's always been the greatest woman, I'm sure she'll find her way, but it's always a good thing to have someone to share.
- Not to travel. Weirdly, I've been so busy with school and work these days that I totally forgot about how badly I wanted to travel before all those projects started. That's a good thing since I'm totally, completely broke right now :))
- To finally write my blog post on the Volunteer Program I joined with the US experts from KeyStar company. It was the best experience I have ever had in my entire life. No joke. I need to start right away. (well, after this exam period of course)
- To keep in touch with Ngu. Literally. When was the last time we talked?
- To spend a whole day with daddy Thooh. No matter what we're gonna do.
- To hang out more with CA, Ziep and Linku. Don't know why but they are the top 3 I'm dying to meet right now. CA is back (YES SHE IS!), Kuz was hogged by Qg for the longest time ever and I need to let him know that I'm still alive :)), Ziep, I haven't seen her in a while (which I really hate) and we still have that promise to be kept =) They are like my endless source of inspiration, energy and coolness (like an autumn breeze). I promise promise proooooomise I'm gonna shape things up rightaway starting next week. Sorry for being your deadweight guys, just cos I've been missing you guys a lot =(
- To keep myself warm and happy. This includes lots of clothes and lots of food since A LOT OF people have been complaining non-stop about me getting skinnier (which I believe isn't true). But well, as winter starts, my hunger will strike more often anyway, so eating more will as well be my pleasure, not a torture (I hope) :))
- To bake. I shouldn't forget my joy.
- To score well for my exams. Which sound pretty impossible since I'm still here typing these stupid lines. Ok Im going now buh-bye guys :))
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