Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We were in the middle of a conversation today, she paused me and asked "How did you know them? As in, how did you get to know them? How did you start to get into their friends' circle at the first place? You're so lucky, so you can use their helps a lot in the future"

I was stunned.
I haven't thought about that. Ever.
We are friends. Just simple as it is. I didn't try to be their friends cos they work for some famous companies and I might use that connection in the future, No. I don't. I just don't.
And even if we happen to help each other in the future, that's gonna be purely for our friendship, for what's real and what's really worth it.

She made me look at her so differently now.

Aren't people just friends simply for who they are as a person anymore?


  1. is that the reason why some ppl say "everyone has his own definition of friendship"...?

    and then we just get stunned by those definitions.

  2. yes dear, i was really shocked. Well, that kind of thinking won't get them too far i think, that's the way life works. You'll get what you give =)
