Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday the 11th. Haaaa

I couldn't sleep til 3am last night. My sixth sense told me he was back. (Not really, actually my stalking and his mysterious texts told me so haha). So I got nervous and excited at the same time, couldn't bring myself to sleep til 3.

I actually set my alarm clock around 8am, so i would still have some spare time to get ready and look decent before he shows up (if he even planned to).

Well, my plan failed. He was at my house at 7plus. Everyone in my family was up except me. I tried to open my eyes and the very first images my brain captured was him running around, in and out of my room, wearing black. Sexy black.

Of course, he was happier than I have ever seen. (or that's just what i could remember for now, cos it's been too long since the last time i did)
What more could I ask for? Other than him and his silliest and cutest smile on Earth?

Everything was all over the place. I found too many indescribable feelings I haven't been able to feel for a looooooooooong time.

And who knows, after almost 2 years in a relationship, we still have a "first"!
Yes, a first kiss with me in my sleeping outfit, messy and stinky hair, unbrushed teeth, bad breath and everything. (Go ahead and say "Ew" =( )

Anyway, that's that.

The rest of our morning turned out to be ... awesome, just like always =)

And i haven't been able to put this silly smile off my face.
Can you believe it?
My baby is back! =)

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