I had a great day today. Productive, to be precised.
Very first day at my very first job with my very first colleagues. Everything went great.
Met and old friend and his girlfriend who i've been admired for so long. She was lovely. Everything was delightful. I felt nothing but happy and jealous at the same time towards them. And I missed you Bad.
Bought all the ingredients I need for baking and left one of the customers in awe after telling her "yeah, i'm taking uni entrance exams this year". She didn't think baking at this time of year was appropriate. And I didn't care.
Went out in the evening. Coolest friends spent coolest moments together. Laughed and screamed our lungs out. Meetings like these always seem pricey for such dull people like me these days.
But oh well. I don't know. There was this little thing that kept bugging me. And it poured all my effort of cheering myself up since this early morning down the drain. Yeah. Down the drain. I don't know what to feel, what to think. Maybe yes, true, I am mean after all. I did change, after all.
I thought my day would end there. Being pissed off and screwed up.
But then your nickname was there, smiling brightly on my friends' list. All those complications turn out to be so damn simple. All i need was pouring my heart out to you, effortlessly. And your smile, your eyes, drove me mad of missing you again. Again. Again and again. And again.
Tell me how did you do that?
I don't need anything else.
I don't care about anything else.
I don't give a damn about any trick they're trying to pull.
Cos you'll be here with me.
You'll be here.
With me.
And that's all I need.
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